MYP 4 Peer learning - from collaborative writing to individual writing- Language and Literature- Mayura Tiwari
Peer learning - from collaborative writing to individual writing Learning Engagement: The first unit for grade 9 revolved around Task 3 that requires three things of the children: an understanding and application of the Global Context, connection with the prompt to create a nonfictional text reflecting a particular perspective. Decoding the different strands is the first step and exploring it as a class on a common Google doc has proved very effective through the years. It helps children learn from each other and build on ideas. The children find issues that relate to each strand, the text type that would lend itself to explore this and are encouraged to create a GC based perspective question to explore the issue. Since the children learn best from and alongside peers, I got them to cocreate a piece for the first, familiar text type. This was either a blog or an article. They uploaded their pieces in a common drive so that everyone could read all the pieces, discuss at least three in t...