Objective of the Learning Engagement: To comprehend how to construct a meaningful statement of inquiry.
Details of the Learning Engagement: Forming a Statement of Inquiry (SOI) is a vital component of an inquiry-based learning strategy that fosters critical thinking and comprehension of a central theme.
Impact of the engagement on students and my reflection as a teacher:
This engaging activity develops students' comprehension and analytical skills while also encouraging teamwork and critical thinking. Students actively participated in the construction of a meaningful SOI; although some groups couldn't make sense of the SOI they defined at first, they demonstrated resilience and worked on it to build an understandable SOI. Through this activity students were able to understand the relevance of their learning and the connection of the SOI to the subject content .
- Sheeba Abraham
Co-creating the conceptual Understanding - statement of Inquiry is a wonderful approach to make students aware about the unit overview and objective.