MYP 3 Science- Exploring Electricity: A Kinesthetic Approach to Understanding Current, Voltage, and Resistance- Ashveena Choudhary
Objective of the Learning Engagement:
To understand current, voltage and resistance. To enable the students to differentiate between current and voltage.
Details of the Learning Engagement:
Voltage and current: As a part of science curriculum, students have been learning about electricity and magnetism. For engaging the students to effectively understand current, voltage and resistance, a kinesthetic activity was planned. The entire class was asked to stand in a circle/closed loop representing a circuit, with two of the students playing the role of the terminals of the battery. Method:
Activity 1: To understand current: The student portraying as the negative terminal of the battery was handed over a piece of paper which they had to pass from one another showing the flow of electrons from the negative terminal to the positive terminal and the stopwatch was switched on to record the time. Once the piece of paper reached the student representing the positive terminal the stopwatch was stopped. Activity 2: To understand voltage: As the piece of paper was passed from one person to the other, the student said voltage. Voltage refers to the force driving that flow. To understand resistance: some chairs were placed between two students, showing the resistance in the flow of the current. Stopwatch was run again to see the time difference between activity 1 and activity 2.
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